Tuesday, September 26

The song lyrics found in karaoke videos can be great fun. While misspellings are common, once in a while they are absolutely screamingly funny.

One line from Bette Midler's 'From A Distance' originally goes 'and no one is in need', and in the karaoke goes 'and know one is in me'. This could either sound awfully philosophical or awfully raunchy.

Of course, at three in the morning, when one is tipsy, the raunchy meaning strikes first. We were reduced to helpless laughter for the next ten minutes.

This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile phones. For more information visit www.blogplanet.net

Sunday, September 24

Oimoi kakodaimon!

An wearing my King's College tee-shirt out. Someone noticed the coat of arms and asked me 'i didn't know you were from raffles institution!'.

I'm so insulted!

Oimoi kakon! Oimoi talas!

This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile phones. For more information visit www.blogplanet.net

Friday, September 22

Created: Wikipedia article on John Mauropus (Ioannes Mauropous), 11th C. Byzantine scholar, poet, and bishop.

This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile phones. For more information visit www.blogplanet.net

Thursday, September 21

25th. Bah.

Felix dies natalis mihi.


Convivium meum, et lacrimabo si volo!

Ha. Seriously. Wasn't a bad one at all. Slept in, brian neu took me to lunch at Mezza9 at Hyatt. Then I was able to sit and read while smoking my pipe, at Starbucks, for a good few hours. Hung out with graeme for a bit, before having dinner cum matre patreque.

Post caenam, read most of the evening, then decided to do some more editing of Wikipedia.

It's amazing how much nonsense there is on Wikipedia, but even more amazing is how much fun it is editing and creating scholarly articles while one is slightly tipsy. I swear, my writing becomes better and far more good-natured with a few glasses of sweet wine.

Ah well, my personal philosophy has always been: if you can't be luscious, be a lush!

Someone asked me why I usually preferred to be alone on my birthday. It's simple really, I get the joy of spending quality time with the one I love most- myself. Seriously, time alone to think, read and write with no distractions is a rare luxury.

This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile phones. For more information visit www.blogplanet.net

Monday, September 18

Delicious Irony

Muslims violently protesting against a perceived accusation that Islam is a violent religion.

The irony of this... is something you can't make up.

Get over it. It was an academic discourse. The reaction by some Muslims is totally over the top.

Should we no longer be allowed to quote if the quote is not to their liking? And does their reaction not show that the quote is actually right?

Where were their protests and outrage each time suicide bombers and terrorists kill innocents in the name of the Religion of Peace?

When did you last see Hindu hijacking an airplane, yelling 'OM'?

When did you last see a Buddhist suicide bomber?

When did you last see Baptists slitting anybody's throat with the cry 'Jesus saves'?

When did you last see Jews protesting in the streets and burning effigies of Imams and Ayatollahs?


Monday, September 4

Cæna Simplex

A simple dinner. Bread. Cheese. Jam. Tea.

Bread: Sourdough Rye Bread.

Cheese: Le Marechal, a new-ish Swiss cheese that's nutty, salty, and tangy, a bit like young Parmesan (Parmigiano).

Jam: Sour Cherry, from Persia.

Tea: 龍井 (Lung Ching or Longjing), a green tea favoured by Shanghainese, as well as by those from Kêangsu (Jiangsu), Kêangnan (Jiangnan) and neighbourly provinces.

I may have a reputation for being a gourmand (foodie, or whatever else one wishes to call a lover of good food), but honestly, I'm quite easily pleased with a simple meal like this.

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Friday, September 1

Your Geek Profile:

Academic Geekiness: Highest
Internet Geekiness: Moderate
Movie Geekiness: Moderate
SciFi Geekiness: Moderate
Geekiness in Love: Low
General Geekiness: Low
Music Geekiness: Low
Fashion Geekiness: None
Gamer Geekiness: None