Thursday, April 30

La Strada

Why La Strada? That's Italian for 'the street' and I'm on the road now, on my way to fencing :-)

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Test test

Let's see if trutap, a mobile blogging software i'm trying out, works!

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A Return, Of Sorts

Soundtrack: 'Requiem aeternam' from Pierre De La Rue's Requiem, sung by Ensemble Clement Janequin, dir. Dominique Visse. One of the earliest polyphonic requiem settings, remarkable for the incredibly low bass lines which go down to a low B-flat.

So, I'm sort of back to blogging. I've set up a separate wordpress site because blogger no longer supports Blogplanet, the mobile blogging software I rather like using on my Nokia. I'd originally thought to move entirely to the new blog here, but then I can't bear to abandon this blog though, so we'll see how the two work out. One idea is to keep the wordpress site for mobile blogging and this one for longer posts. We shall see. I'm mostly on facebook these days, so if you're a friend, look for me there!

Wednesday, April 29


Crna Gora or Montenegro, from a Montenegrin friend!

Posted by ShoZu